A bike ride in Istanbul on a beautiful morning

It’s March now and March is the month of misty, chilly mornings in Istanbul. It was a beautiful Sunday morning, the roads were empty. A perfect day for a bike ride in Istanbul!

The roads would be crowded soon, so I hurried to ride my bike for an hour or two.

It was really chilly and misty this morning. I first did a fast downhill to the Bosphorus, then headed south to Ortaköy.

A bike ride in Istanbul: Kefeliköy
A bike ride in Istanbul: Early in the morning, at Kefeliköy. It was really chilly and misty. Where’s the Bosphorus?

After returning back from Ortakoy, I decided to go to Rumeli Kavağı to take some photos.

A bike ride in Istanbul: Rumeli Kavağı
A bike ride in Istanbul: View from Rumeli Kavağı, İstanbul

The sun was shining beautifully, so I decided to climb up to Havantepe to take some more photos.

A bike ride in Istanbul: A view of Bosphorus
A bike ride in Istanbul: A beautiful view of Bosphorus, from Havantepe road, Sarıyer.
A bike ride in Istanbul: A view of Bosphorus
A bike ride in Istanbul: A beautiful view of Bosphorus, from Havantepe Road, Sarıyer.

Havantepe Road is very steep (up to 20%) uphill with a few hairpins.

A bike ride in Istanbul: Havantepe road
The road climbing atop Havantepe.
A bike ride in Istanbul: Havantepe road
The road climbing atop Havantepe has a few hairpins.
A bike ride in Istanbul: Havantepe road
The road climbing atop Havantepe is really steep (up to 20%) and has a few hairpins.
A bike ride in Istanbul: View atop Havantepe
View of Bosphorus from atop Havantepe, Sarıyer, İstanbul

The view from atop Havantepe is beautiful. I took a selfie there.

A bike ride in Istanbul: Özgür Nevres (me)
A bike ride in Istanbul: Özgür Nevres (me), atop Havantepe, Sarıyer, İstanbul.
Özgür Nevres
Özgür Nevres

I am a software developer and a science enthusiast. I was graduated from the Istanbul Technical University (ITU), Computer Engineering. I write about the city of Istanbul on this website. I live in Istanbul since 1992. I am also an animal lover! I take care of stray cats & dogs. This website's all income goes directly to our furry friends. Please consider supporting me on Patreon [by clicking here] or on Buy Me A Coffee (Of course, you won't buy me a coffee, you will buy food for stray animals!), so I can help more animals!

Articles: 79

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